Monday 27 July 2020

US Dollar Index, DXY

7th September:
Irresistible weakness creates the patterns of 3 for a recount that delivers a definitive Primary wave [A] completion. Even with the assistance of a prominent divergence there is only this flagging uphill battle for the [B] so far.

29th August:
The DXY hourly chart shows the progress of the bear-correction Intermediate wave (B) which is quite a sorry mess, reflecting what the real financial world is suffering under the influence of its new generation of "guiding" hands.

WHO and the pandemic flu conspiracy

14th August:
DXY enters Intermediate (B) of Primary [C]. Correlation with spot gold XAU/USD is seen to be generally and usually inverse with periods of inattentiveness.  

recta verum flecti

31st July:
The previous chart is given a longer term perspective:

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27th July:
Today, it is my contention that the Dollar Index, DXY is in the Primary degree [C] leg of a Cycle degree bear, where it has put in a 5-wave Intermediate (A). Implications abound.

alter alter trahere

Who controls the British Government response to Covid–19? Part 1

Who controls the British Government response to Covid–19? Part 2

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